M1 Finance

M1 Finance, an app that helps people manage and grow their finances, knows that making decisions about savings and investing requires sound advice. It needed content partners since they can bring referrals and allow consumers to make decisions confidently.

Before automation, M1 Finance used a basic platform to manage its ambassador program. But as M1 Finance grew, it needed something much more automated, credible, and robust.

As soon as M1 Finance was able to migrate from its old platform to impact.com, it began upgrading its partner program at every step, from recruiting to payouts.

After adopting impact.com, M1 Finance’s partner program:

  • Added three times more partners in one year
  • Brought in 10% of all new customers
  • Targeted every part of the funnel
  • Achieved 50% lower cost-per-quality-user vs paid search and 80% lower than social

Interested in results like M1? Read this case study.